The Academy of Lifelong Learning offered seven events for the 2020-2021 academic year, 这要感谢学院十位教职员工的专业知识, 在化学, 地球科学, 政治科学, 公共政策, 历史, 和音乐. These events attracted robust participation from Trinity alumni and members of the public. 视频在下面.


1/31/23: 乌克兰战争:继续对话 山姆·卡索66届教授和. 斯文Holdar



12/8/2022: 帝国酒:  Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre的谈话 凯文·麦克马洪 


The Academy of Lifelong Learning’s directors Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre and Kevin McMahon will discuss Regan-Lefebvre’s book, 《帝国葡萄酒:大英帝国如何创造葡萄酒的新世界d(加州大学出版社,2022).

关于本书: 深入了解全球葡萄酒产业的殖民根源, 帝国酒 是一个大胆的, rigorous 历史 of Britain’s surprising role in creating the wine industries of Australia, 南非, 和新西兰. 在这里, historian Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre bridges the genres of global commodity 历史 and imperial 历史, 以通俗易懂的叙述方式呈现具有煽动性的新研究.  这本书在三一书店有售, 在各大网上商家, and at special discount from the publisher (use source code 21W2240 at checkout:


2022年3月15日:俄罗斯入侵乌克兰教授山姆·卡索' 66和博士. 斯文Holdar 


作为对入侵乌克兰的回应, the Academy of Lifelong Learning presents a Common Hour talk with two region experts.  讲座将由Kevin McMahon教授、John R. 圣博彩平台网址大全政治科学教授.

03/03/2022: 光、颜色、 & 视觉知觉:神经科学与知觉与Michael Grubb教授


博彩平台网址大全 pioneered undergraduate teaching and research in neuroscience and this talk offers an introduction to the science of color perception. Michael Grubb’s research addresses how we perceive the physical world in which we are embedded.  醒着的每一刻,我们的感官都被信息轰炸, 对于大脑来说,处理和渲染的意识意识太多了.  我们通过选择性地关注世界来克服这一挑战, 这是, 通过优先处理某些感官信息, 以牺牲他人为代价, 以促进目标导向行为的方式.  在这次演讲中,他将介绍我们如何感知光和颜色的科学.  讲座将由Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre教授主持.

02/16/2022: Human-Wildlife Conflict in Pakistan: An Anthropological Perspective with Professor Shafqat Hussain


Following the downgrading of the snow leopard’s status from “endangered” to “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2017, debate has renewed about the actual number of snow leopards in the wild and the most effective strategies for coexisting with these enigmatic animals. Evidence from Pakistan and other countries in the snow leopard’s home range shows that they rely heavily on human society—domestic livestock accounts for as much as 70 percent of their diet. 坚持雪豹是一种“野生”动物, conservation NGOs and state agencies have enacted laws that punish farmers for attacking these predators, while avoiding engaging with efforts to mitigate the harms suffered by farmers whose herds are reduced by snow leopards. 基于民族志领域, Professor Hussain argues that characterizing this conflict as one between humans (farmers) and wildlife (snow leopards) is misleading, as the real conflict is between two human groups—farmers and conservationists—who see the snow leopard differently.  讲座将由Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre教授主持.



与…的对话 林赛·汉森教授 关于专业 NSF资助, the field of nanotechnology, and how she has “flipped” her undergraduate lab during COVID.

点击 在这里 观看采访.

Helping Connecticut 首页owners: Analyzing Concrete Foundations with Professors Christoph Geiss and Jonathan Gourley摇摇欲坠的混凝土

Over the past decades pyrrhotite-containing aggregate has been used in concrete to build basements and foundations in northeastern Connecticut and south-central Massachusetts. 磁黄铁矿中的硫与几种次生矿物发生反应, 而相关的体积变化会导致结构完整性的丧失. As a result hundreds of homes have been rendered worthless as remediation costs often exceed the value of the homes and the value of many other homes constructed during the same time period is in question as concrete origin and potential future structural issues are unknown.

博彩平台网址大全 professors Christoph Geiss and Jonathan Gourley have developed a reliable and affordable test for pyrrhotite, 并分析了康涅狄格州和马萨诸塞州的400多户家庭. They will talk about their work and how the results of their ongoing studies may be used in the future to assess pyrrhotite risk to homeowners.

2/18/2021  立即观看



谢丽尔·格林伯格,保罗·E. 圣博彩平台网址大全的杰出历史教授
Susannah Heschel ' 73, H ' 10, Eli M. Black Distinguished Professor of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth College and 博彩平台网址大全 Trustee
凯文·J. 约翰·麦克马洪. 圣博彩平台网址大全政治科学教授

2/4/2021  立即观看



 城市为什么会失败: 与…的对话 Garth Myers (Urban Studies) and Sean Fitzpatrick (Public Policy Grad/Urban Studies) conducted by Abby Williamson (Political Science/Public Policy and Law) about how political structures in the United States disadvantage its urban centers.

10/19/2020   立即观看

流行病、两极分化和总统政治: 与TIIS共同赞助. 这个面板, with Rachel Moskowitz (Public Policy and Law) and Kevin McMahon (Political Science) will explore various aspects of this year’s presidential race, including questions such as: Will factors that have mattered most in the past apply to the race this year? 我们应该多密切地关注民意调查? Will President’s Trump handling of the Covid-19 crisis ultimately determine the victor in this race? Will the Supreme Court issue and the pending Senate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett change the conversation of the campaign? What strategies are the two candidates employing and how might theymake a difference when all the votes are counted?

10/22/2020  立即观看

红州/蓝州:  A conversation to help those living in more Democratic Blue states to understand the political situation on the ground in more Republican Red states. Trinity’s Kevin McMahon (Political Science) will moderate the discussion with Pearson Cross (University of Louisiana, 和Randall Adkins(内布拉斯加州大学), 奥马哈). 克罗斯教授是路易斯安那州政治方面的专家. Professor Adkins is the editor of several books on congressional elections and an expert on perhaps the important congressional district for the 2020 presidential race (Nebraska-2).

10/28/2020  立即观看


一个那个我在演唱会后和他讨论过 著名的 风琴手Christopher Houlihan ' 09, 博彩平台网址大全’s John Rose College Organist-and-Directorship Distinguished Chair of Cha佩尔音乐学院,当然兼任音乐教授.  这是与“Vierne at 150,” an online organ festival presented by Trinity Chapel Music and the Department of Music.
